Bharath Veeraradhya | 10 kgs Healthy Weight Loss in 5 Months
#10KgsHealthyWeightLoss and simultaneously #GettingRidOfTummyFat has been an amazing experience for Bharath.
Realization of the importance of #BeingHealthy was always on the mind of Bharath, a seasoned IT professional with rich experience of over 20 years. Staying in Bangalore City from the start of his career, he says he has seen the growth of Bangalore IT industry, but he has also observed increase in pollution, #SedentaryLifestyle and #WorseningFoodHabits affecting #Health of almost everyone adversely.
In spite of his hectic schedules at work, Bharath did not refrain from going to the #Gym. He says he has maintained this discipline for quite some time now but what was disappointing is it did not help him much in waist and #TummyReduction. And muscle building wasn’t adequate for his height. Weighing 73 kilos, he was slightly on the higher side of BMI, he was looking for an effective option to get the desired level of #ShapeAndFitness.
“The assistance from #HealthySpan has been quite effective. The holistic, all-round approach helped #LoseTheExtraPounds and the #ProtrudingTummy that I was so concerned about is a thing of the past.” Bharath narrated his healthy weight loss experience.
“It may look like trivial but I would vouch for the fact that many at my age and career experience would relate with what I am sharing – it’s about not only the fitness levels but also about the body shape, especially at the tummy area. Not that there is some kind of body-shaming that someone can potentially face but that wish is always in the list of #HealthGoals.” Bharath adds with a grin on his face.
“Altering my outfits for the renewed, fitter body with just 63 kilos body weight now – literally chiseled out of my former self is surely a great #ConfidenceBuilder.” Bharath sums it up gratefully.
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