Priyanka Dash | 25 kgs Healthy Weight Loss in 5 Months
Priyanka’s 25kgs #HealthyWeightLoss transformation story borders on being unbelievable – from 109 kgs body weight, all the way down to 84 kgs has meant a total turnaround in her health.
“It is not just about the body #LosingTheExtraPounds, a healthy weight loss is a comprehensive transformation of mind, attitude and mood.” Says Priyanka while finding it hard to conceal her new-found joy of a breathtaking reinstatement of her health and fitness levels.
Being a fervent food lover, she would hardly care about being disciplined about meal timing etc. She goes on to add, “Good food, friends and family around – this was always a big enough reason to celebrate and enjoy our time. Sometimes the other extreme was true too – the work pressure of being a professional would be overbearing and eating not so healthy food at odd times of the day was more of a relaxation tool, getting over stress, you know. I never realized when the scale hit 109 kilos. A routine visit to a physician, I had this loud and clear warning about the ramifications of leaving weight gain unchecked – fatty liver, under-active thyroid, hormonal imbalance. I said, enough is enough, I must do something about my health.”
“My initial attempts are googling and coming up with #WeightLossIdeas from the internet – crash diet programs, relying on #Exercise alone etc. – didn’t yield much result. There was always a rebound – weeks of effort to lose a few kilos would be reversed in the next few weeks. I knew there is more to it than meets the eye.”
“The grip over #Wellness Science at #HealthySpan is remarkable. I was taught to create #HealthyHabits, not mindless restrictions. I am surely glad I could work towards restoring my #HealthAndFitness levels under constant guidance and encouragement, I feel so proud of my renewed energy levels; however, more than that what’s truly rewarding is the fact that I have earned the admiration of my friends and family, especially my husband, who has been a constant support in this journey.”
“I had read it somewhere – every negative belief weakens the partnership between mind and body. I believe it is true even the other way round – if the body isn’t fit and healthy, negativity can really overpower the mind. Basically, a healthy body only can serve as the abode of a healthy mind.” Priyanka adds.
“Good health is a blessing; I wouldn’t trade it for anything else material in life.” Priyanka gratefully adds.
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