Bharath Kumar T | 20 kgs Healthy Weight Loss in 7 Months
Is it possible to regain lost fitness and overall health so as to lose 20 kgs unwanted body fat? Dropping down to 70 kilos from 90kilos…in a healthy way…lost weight that does not rebound? Read on…
Bharath took his fitness and general health for granted when he graduated as an engineer. He was awestruck when his body weight touched 90kgs during the beginning days of his career as an entrepreneur.
He says, “During my engineering days in Bangalore, I weighed about 63kgs. Things took a dramatic turn when I began my entrepreneur journey – #IrregularSleepHours, #WrongFoodHabits, #HigherStressLevels took a toll. Spread over a decade, I picked up a lot of weight – I weighed almost 90kgs.”
“During this period, I saw a few of my relatives getting affected with diabetes, blood pressure, thyroid, heart related issues, arthritis – all of them were #Overweight. In a routine medical check-up – reports showed I had high triglycerides, high cholesterol, uric acid was beyond control, I had symptoms of gout, there was grade-II fatty liver – that was the last nail on the coffin.” Bharath recollects.
“I decided I must do something about my health. I tried various #WeightLossMethods – nothing seemed to work. In fact, some of them adversely affected my health. Around that time, through a friend of mine, I got to know about #HealthySpan. The consultant from HealthySpan analysed my lifestyle and food habits. He designed my diet plan, made modifications to my lifestyle habits and made recommendations to fill the nutritional gap. By religiously following the recommended plan, I was able to reduce 20 kgs in about 7 months’ time.”
“The best part is that – I have been able to maintain the reduced weight for almost a year now and my health is absolutely in #GreatShape. There has been a massive shift in my physical activity levels – I brisk-walk for about an hour every day and play volleyball/basketball very regularly.”
Bharath gratefully adds, “My friends who used to tease me about my weight, consider me as an #Inspiration today – for me personally, this has been a great intangible. I truly believe – with proper diet, nutrition, physical activity under proper guidance – #SustainableAndHealthyWeightLoss is possible. I can tell with confidence – if we can regain our health from within, #HealthyWeightLoss is a natural by-product.”
It is truly wonderful to be in the pink of health.
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